University Avenue – Let’s Dream Big!

The City of Windsor has begun a study to look at what improvements should be made to University Avenue from Huron Church to Victoria.  This crumbling stretch of road that connects the west end and the University of Windsor to downtown, is likely to be the highest density commuter cycling corridor in the city.  It merits the city’s best efforts to create a safe and comfortable experience for ALL road users whether they’re walking, cycling or driving a car. We deserve a road that will serve us all well  for the next 30 years.

Numerous City studies propose that University Avenue be designated a dedicated cycling corridor. With a wide right-of-way, low traffic volumes, and excess roadway capacity, it may be the City’s best (perhaps only) chance to develop a ‘complete street’. We envision a ‘green corridor’ lined with trees with separated and protected bike lanes, wide sidewalks, and expanded intersections that would allow children and the elderly to cross safely.  


We’ve developed a list of changes we would like to see on a renovated University Avenue that is informed by residents’ responses to our community surveys.

Cyclists of Windsor Essex would like to see University Avenue reconstructed as a COMPLETE STREET that includes the following elements;


  • Protected bike lanes to physically separate people on bikes from dangerous traffic with curbs, or landscaping (not simply a buffer of paint or flexible bollards)
  • Coloured Crossrides (a crosswalk for bikes) at major intersections
  • Bike share stations to give people more transportation options
  • Secure Bike parking to encourage people to bike to their destination
  • Bike boxes at some intersections to allow cyclists to make safe turns off arterial streets
  • Dedicated bike signals to protect people on bikes from turning traffic
  • NO sharrows – neither drivers or cyclists understand them



  • Wide sidewalks to provide space for people to walk, talk and relax
  • Curb extensions to create a shorter crossing distance
  • Pedestrian head starts and exclusive crossing times to facilitate safe crossing (should be standard on all arterial streets)



  • Narrowed lanes to calm traffic and reduce driving speeds
  • Timed traffic signals to make it easier for drivers to travel at the speed limit
  • Loading zones to provide space for deliveries and discourage double parking
  • Directional Paint on the pavement at intersections to show drivers where they should be



  • Bus bulbs to give people more room to wait for the bus and prevent buses from weaving in and out of traffic
  • Bus shelters – Covered, attractive, comfortable 



  • Trees and landscaping to provide shade and better aesthetics
  • Permeable surfaces to reduce runoff, flooding and increase resiliency
  • Benches and Plazas to encourage people to be active and provide space to take a break


Here is what that list looks like on a street


Do you have your own list?  Your comments are important and any input you provide will become part of the study so send your wish list to the project consultant at this address –

Want more information?  you can review all the displays provided at the November 1 public meeting here – DISPLAY BOARDS


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