Bike Friendly Windsor Essex is recruiting volunteers to serve on the Board of Directors.
We are a not-for-profit advocacy group representing all bike lovers in Windsor and Essex County, to help make our region more bike friendly.
Bike Friendly Windsor Essex believes that cycling is an important aspect of any forward thinking region. We believe that supporting cycling can improve the health, economy, and environment of our local community. Bike Friendly Windsor Essex seeks to help make our region more bicycle friendly.
We strive to achieve our mission by:
- Advocating for adequate funding for improved cycling infrastructure
- Organizing and supporting events that promote fun and safe cycling
- Acting as a liaison for all cyclists in Windsor and Essex County
Whatever and wherever you ride, if you are a cycling enthusiast who wishes to help make a difference in creating a safer, more bike friendly region, consider joining our board. It’s not a big time commitment and we have a lot of fun. So, get involved. Come out and see for yourself just how friendly we are!