Attention All Windsor-Essex Cyclists: Last Chance to Give Input on CWATS

We received a message in our inbox from Tom and Sue Omstead of the Share the Road – Essex County campaign. They’re encouraging cyclists to provide feedback on the county’s proposed County Wide Active Transportation Study, which has been in the public review stage for a couple of months now. After July 8th, the planners will refine the plan, taking into consideration any feedback they’ve received from the public.

The study aims to add a lot more bike lanes, multi-use trails and signed bike routes on county roads, and to also connect the county’s lanes with active transportation facilities neighbouring municipalities (like linking the Chrysler Greenway Trail to city routes).

To see a map of the proposed network, CLICK HERE.

To read the executive summary of the study, CLICK HERE.

To download the entire 400-page study, CLICK HERE.

If you’d like to provide input, email you comments to Jane Mustac (P.Eng EA Coordinator Corporation of the County of Essex) at

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