I just got back from Cinema Politica Windsor‘s screening of You Never Bike Alone. It was an inspiring film, reminding me of how much we have left to do to make Windsor a Bicycle friendly city.
There was a group discussion after the film, which I found quite interesting, and which raised several topics which I will touch on here.
The film followed the life of Critical Mass in Vancouver from the 90s onwards. For a background on Critical Mass, click here. There were comments afterwards regarding violence towards Massers, which has apparently happened in the past when Windsor had a Critical Mass ride. Windsor’s first CM was approximately a dozen years ago, and was tied to the Citizens Environment Alliance “SmogFest”, and had approximately 75 participants. Since then, CM has been revived a few times, the most recently about 6 months ago, but each time it failed reach “Critical Mass”, and fizzled out.
In the discussion that followed, there was also mention of Windsor’s Bicycle Use Master Plan (B.U.M.P.) and the Essex County Wide Active Transportation Study (CWATS), as well as the Riverside Drive Vista Improvement Project (RD-VIP) – which should see some construction starting in March, as stage 1 phase 1 is currently open for bids for tender.
For those who didn’t get their fix of cycle films, check out a the short videos on Momentum Magazine’s website – and remember that Bike Friendly Windsor members get a discount on Momentum subscriptions!