We’ve achieved much in 2018, but we’re a long way from finished our advocacy work. Here’s our shortlist of cycling infrastructure-related goals for 2019. What’s on yours?
1. The first protected bike lane in the city.
2. The first painted intersection in the city painted with a bike box, cross ride and/or directional arrows.
3. The first plan for a Complete Street in the city with fully protected Bike Lanes on University Avenue West.
4. Implementation of a solution for the Dougall Deathtrap.
5. Pilot Bike Lanes on Wyandotte Street East in Riverside and Pilette Village, slowing vehicular traffic and providing safer streets for cyclists and pedestrians.
6. The adoption of strategies for fighting bike theft by Windsor Police both Garage 529 and bait bikes.
7. A plan and budget for more Bike Parking including a bike parking takeover of 2 parking spots in the Pelissier Street Parking Garage.
8. Supporting the continuation of the great work being done for safe connected cycling in the County from our friends at CWATS and county municipalities.
9. Connecting the Gordie Howe Bridge and Herb Gray Trail along Sandwich Street to University Avenue.
10. Moving forward on development of a new mountain bike park.
11. That we begin to make decisions about our streets by prioritizing vulnerable road users before speed of cars.
12. Work to ensure the recommendations of the Active Transportation Plan (due late 2019) are funded.
For a summary of our 52 recommendations for safer streets for all road users, check out our report.