Top Ten Budget Issues for Vulnerable Road Users

We all want safe, connected neighbourhoods where we can visit our neighbours, our children can play, we can ride our bicycles and cross the street without feeling like we’re in danger from speeding cars. We have a lot of questions about the recommendations in the 2019 draft municipal budget and we’ve let our mayor and council know what we’re hoping to see. We hope you’ll let your councillor know what matters to you. Here’s our TOP TEN BUDGET ISSUES list that prioritizes people over cars. 

  1. The ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR position should be funded. The Bicycle Use Master Plan recommended a full time cycling coordinator in 2001. The position was never added.  We’ve invested in an Active Transportation Master Plan – how will the recommendations be implemented without a dedicated staff person? (page 494)
  1. City-wide BIKEWAY DEVELOPMENT funding drops down from $600,000 per year to $200,000 per year in 2022 and 2023. This amount is expected to cover the cost of Cycling Infrastructure Development, Cycling Awareness and Education, Cycling-Transit Links and End-of-trip Facilities.  In 2018, Windsor made some headway in adding white stripe bike lanes (due to federal and provincial grants and $’s from the Cabana Road project). If Windsor is serious about active transportation, this funding should be increased. (page 580)
  1. YPRES to WALKER mill and pave ECB-014-18. Funding for this project is listed in 2020 & 2021 but the Mayor specifically identified this project as one that would be completed this year.  This is identified as a bike lane in BUMP and in the Draft Active Transportation Master Plan.  Bike lanes should be included. (page 454)
  1. Two urgent projects – UNIVERSITY AVE (Huron Church to McDougall) and TECUMSEH ROAD W (the “S” curve at Crawford) do not appear in the 2019 capital budget. The Tecumseh Rd W EA has been completed, the University Ave EA is expected soon.  Even if these projects were not due to begin for 5+ years, we would expect to see them in the 7-year budget. 
  1. UNIVERSITY AVE W – The 2018 budget stated that “Implementation will be initiated with the balance of the funding.” This project is a huge opportunity, providing a major route to bring visitors from the new Gordie Howe Bridge into the downtown and a safe corridor between the University and College campuses.  We understand that the results of the environmental assessment will influence the cost of this project. It is imperative that this project be funded beyond 2018 and that the $4,500,000+ used to initiate this project not be wasted. Where is the remainder of the OPS-003-14 funding?
  1. PARK TRAILS – Our city-wide trails are highly used by all segments of the population and trails have been identified as one of the most important recreational amenities in parks. It is imperative that we properly fund our trail system.  Trail maintenance is one of the highest volume of 311 calls. The amount listed in the Capital Budget will not cover the cost to maintain the trails and the they will begin to fall into disrepair, becoming a liability and dangerous to pedestrians and cyclists.  The cost of properly maintaining our trails will pale in comparison to the cost to reconstruct them when they have deteriorated.
  1. The DOUGALL AVENUE Pedestrian underpass (CR628/2016) part of the Central Box EA Road and Infrastructure Improvements (ENG-005-17) approved an allocation of $2,479,000* to the Dougall/CN portion of the Central Box area from funding earmarked for cycling infrastructure. Exactly what does the $6.9M cover? Full road and intersection reconstruction including separated MUT? Will the MUT reach the bike lanes at Eugenie?  Where will the $6.9M come from? It isn’t listed in the forecast. (page 431)
  1. The Asphalt Pavement Widening on MALDEN ROAD/S CAMERON (ENG-002-18) should have Bike Lanes as per the BUMP. Paved shoulder/signed route is in the Schedule A+ project listing, yet Bike Lanes were identified in a media interview about the Federal transit Fund and it is a “Connector Route” in the proposed AT plan (Matchette is identified as the major regional spine). (page 370)
  1. The only description of the City Centre Streetscape Improvements (ECP-014-07) we can see is the following, “Moving forward, improvements to the east-west streets, including University, Chatham and Pitt are also necessary. These improvements will be similar in nature to the Ouellette Ave and Pelissier St improvements.” We are concerned that, following the recent decision not to add bike lanes to the Ouellette Avenue streetscaping, active transportation will be left out. NOTE: the recommended solution from the UNIVERSITY AVE W EA is Protected Bike Facilities. (page 404)
  1. We urge you to approve the “GREEN WINDSOR” Protection and Funding Strategy” to create a connected linear park system that will benefit all residents, including commuter and recreational cyclists, by providing improvements in infrastructure and our environment. (page 649)

You can access the City of Windsor Budget Here.

You can email your councillor(s) and mayor here:

Mayor Drew Dilkens
Ward 1 Fred Francis
Ward 2 Fabio Costante
Ward 3 Rino Bortolin
Ward 4 Chris Holt
Ward 5 Ed Sleiman
Ward 6 Joanne Gignac
Ward 7 Irek Kusmeirczyk
Ward 8 Gary Kaschak
Ward 9 Kieran McKenzie
Ward 10 Jim Morrison

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