As stakeholders from across Ontario gather in Essex County to discuss the “County Wide Active Transportation Study” (CWATS), the Share The Road Cycling Coalition released the results of a survey of over 1000 Ontarians on their views on cycling.
“As Ontarians head to the polls, it is worth noting that a growing number of them want their provincial politicians to focus on investing in programs that will make cycling safer, easier and more convenient in their communities across Ontario. Our polling data demonstrates that Ontarians — cyclists and drivers – view increased cycling as a good thing for everyone, yielding a range of benefits including lower health care costs, better quality of life, safer streets and communities, less traffic congestion and reduced emissions,” said Eleanor McMahon, CEO Share the Road Cycling Coalition.
The survey results showed that 28 per cent of adults in Ontario cycle regularly (up from 24 percent in 2009), and that 53 per cent would like to cycle more frequently – identifying safer roads as something that would encourage them to ride more.
69 per cent of Ontarians agreed that the health benefits of increased cycling resulting reductions in health care costs was a good reason for the provincial government to invest in cycling and active transportation infrastructure. agreed that a portion of the money currently spent on roads should be earmarked to meet the needs of cyclists.