Bike Friendly Windsor Presents…. T-Shirts!

Click on a t-shirt to order one from!

Men’s T-Shirt in White Men’s T-Shirt in Black Men’s T-Shirt in Yellow
Women’s T-Shirt in White Women’s T-Shirt in Black Women’s T-Shirt in Yellow

Men’s and women’s t-shirts in black, white and yellow, to start. If anyone shows interest in hoodies, tote bags, etc., we can get those made up too! Lots of shipping options, and if you choose to pick up the shirt, you’ll be going to Allegra Print, at 225 Wyandotte Street West.

There are also a bunch other really cool t-shirts on! The Downtown Windsor Farmers’ Market, Legacy Comics (including designs for the Incredible Conduit, White Plastic and The Feral Ones), the Windsor Symphony Orchestra, and Ghawk T-shirts are all available for order.

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