I quickly threw together this bike shop map for Windsor-Essex County. You can see how there is a distinct lack of bike shops in the downtown area! I’m going to try to figure out how to integrate this map into the main layout of the site, so it’ll visible to new visitors. If I’m missing any shops (which I hope to be the case!), leave a comment and I’ll add it to the map!
[googlemaps http://maps.google.ca/maps/ms?gl=ca&hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=116355620754074949234.0004828e767b2219973e9&ll=42.332662,-82.850647&spn=0.14811,0.363579&t=h&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
Nicely done, but strange images come up when I click on the map points. The links I have to the bike shops on the right hand menu need photos and information too. I left them blank until someone could fill them in with photos and more info. Sadly since this is hosted at WordPress they don’t allow maps in the menus, but I could make another page for this map then put a link to it under the bike shop links in the side menu.
I added links to this map under the header at the top of the site and in the menu bar under the bike shop listings too. Thanks again for making up the map.
Thanks Darren… there’s gotta be a widget or a plug-in somewhere that will let us put a map into the sidebar. I’ll ask Owen and see if he knows of one.
I’d actually like to add other maps to the “Bicycle Shop Map” page… so- maybe change the title of that page to just “Maps”?
I wanna add the route map you started last year, and add links to city maps and stuff. Maybe even try to get an image of the accident map we were presented with at the last WBC meeting and add it there (not sure if that’s possible though- I’m sure there will be a tonne of bureaucratic red tape to sift through).
This site works differently than Owen’s since it’s hosted at WordPress for free. It’s not a hosted blog like Owen’s is where you get to use plugin’s and things. WordPress cuts down on these things to help the sites load faster. So the maps have to be on pages or posts. I will explain more at the meeting on Sunday.
We can talk about it more at the meeting. The accident map would be something that would be great to get on here. We’re you just shown the map or given a copy?
What I can also do is make a separate menu section like the bike shop one, but have it for maps. So I’ll work on that now. I’ll show you how this is done at the meeting. You just need to create pages, and find their page number which is a 4 digit number and either exclude or include it from the header or menu bars.
At the very least, we can save an image of the map and put that into the sidebar, if we choose to do so.
The accident map was shown to us. There was only one copy.
I created a new menu section on the right hand side called “Maps” and it’s where I can put all the maps now. Is that ok? To put a image it would just be a image in a separate part of the menu. I know all about WordPress since I’ve used it for years, but this site doesn’t have all the options Owen’s does. That’s the price we pay for keeping the hosting free here. I think it’s a good enough price to pay since hosting is expensive.
That’s fine. Thanks.
Ok Cool. Sorry we don’t has as much bells and whistles here, but I still like the speed compared to the slow page loads we paid so much for at Godaddy.
I think a page for maps is a great idea. I have a couple other ideas for maps that I will bring up at the next meeting.