Our goal at Bike Friendly Windsor is to make Windsor a more bicycle friendly city, and one of the ways of doing that is to make cycling in Windsor safer.
To do this, we need data about where cyclists have had problems – either collisions or close calls.
RoadGuardian uses Google Maps to map out where the trouble spots are for cycling. That information can then be used to target where the problems are.
Currently it allows the reporting of collisions, close calls, and “other”. The other category can be used to mark aggressive drivers or streets that may not be safe due to some sort of obstruction (pot holes, etc).
We are also working on getting ahold of some data collected by the city that shows where reported collisions have occured, but since people don’t report close calls the city doesn’t look at that issue.
Maybe we should put a permanent link to RoadGuardian on the side bar here, so it’s easily accessible? With a header that reads something like, “In an accident or harassed? Report it here…”
Seems like a decent idea, although we don’t want the sidebar to get too clogged up. Maybe put it as “close calls” in the top menu, like on bikeportland?