Road to Care departs Windsor to raise money for cancer treatment

Dr. Joda Kuk and Windsor native Jennifer Hompoth started their 600 km “Road to Care” ride from Windsor to Barrie on Friday.

The Windsor Star wrote an article about the pair, who are raising money for cervical cancer treatment in Uganda. They stopped in at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre for an information session on women’s access to care for cancer treatment in the developing world. They will be stopping at 9 more regional cancer centres along their journey.

You can follow their journey or donate to their cause at:

Departing from the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre -

1 thought on “Road to Care departs Windsor to raise money for cancer treatment”

  1. Hey Steve!

    Thanks for spreading the word about Riding the Road to Care; having departed from Windsor last Friday, we’ve enjoyed the wind at our backs for most of the way eastwards. It has been lovely to meet cyclists along the way-three cheers for the good work you’re doing through Bikewindsor-hope your July Critical Mass ride goes splendidly.

    Jen and Joda, the Road to Care tandem team 🙂

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