Windsor Bicycling Committee – Meeting Summary

Tonight I sat in on a meeting of the Windsor Bicycling Committee (WBC). I have attended once before, and will try to go again in the future if I can.

The first item on the agenda was the Enviro Expo held at Caesars. The WBC had represenatives there sharing a space with some other groups. It was reported that the event went well. A lot of people raised concerns about safety and riding on the road. In particular people mentioned Tecumseh, Dominion, and the Dougall underpass (I think). People voiced their desires for more bike lanes and multi-use paths.

It was mentioned that there could be some possibility of a multi-use path or bike lanes on Tecumseh, but that it is not currently called for in the Bicycle Use Master Plan (BUMP), and that it would be a long term solution to an immediate problem. It appears that this issue will be looked at in more detail by the WBC.

Also mentioned was that an environmental assessment is budgeted for an area that traffic engineers refer to as the “Dougall Box”, which is the area around Dougall, Eugenie, Ouellette Pl. and the viaduct. This assessment may lead to improved bicycling infrastructure in the near future.

A resolution was passed to follow up with administration as to the progress on up-dating BUMP, and the costs and feasability of doing so.

There was also some discussion regarding the possibility of a by-law allowing cyclists to ride on certain sidewalks – such as Huron Church or Tecumseh.

Upcoming events organized by the WBC

  • Earth Day: Sunday April 25th @ Malden/Mic Mac. Cycling materials will be available for the public, such as a map of bike lanes/multi-use trails, and a cycling skills booklet.
  • Bike to work week: June 7th – 12th
  • Rediscover your bike: June 12th @ WFCU
  • Bike the bridge: June 13th – press release to be issued soon
  • Bike to the fireworks: June 21st
  • Rolling forward: conference at UofW, June 26th

A hot issue lately has been the issue of riding on sidewalks. New signs will be going up soon in some of the commercial areas such as Walkerville and along Ottawa street. The WBC may be going back to the Police Services Board in the near future to again ask for enforcement.

The WBC budget was reviewed. Currently about $3500 of their $5800 budget has been allocated or spent. They are looking at spending the majority of the rest of the money on education – either public service advertisements, educating children at the safety village, or both.

The committee will be looking at exactly how they want to do their PSA, and what message they want to focus on at the next meeting, or possibly prior to the next meeting. There was a suggestion of collaborating with local theatre students to decrease costs.

3 thoughts on “Windsor Bicycling Committee – Meeting Summary”

  1. Steve, do me a favour next time you’re amongst the WBC gang? Ask them about the private citizen who donated tens of thousands of dollars to the city for bicycle infrastructure. Way back when I was sitting in the big chair, this news came across the committees “desk”, yet I haven’t heard a word about it. I don’t want to think that the city has absconded with the funds, but nothing would surprise me.

  2. This is an EXCELLENT summary Steve, thanks for posting. I only have one thing to add: Ben Gomberg has said he’ll give a free cycling tour of Chicago to the person with the best question at the Rolling Forward conference (travel costs not included, sorry)!

    As for the Bicycling Reserve Fund… you can read more about that here: (be sure to click on the link that takes you to the actual council report for even more info).

    The Bicycle Reserve Fund is in place, and anyone can donate to it. The WBC is making sure they keep a closer eye on the reserve- that was part of the discussion when talking about the new focus the committee will have.

    I’d still like to learn more about this though, because to me, the funds still seem just out of easy reach of the WBC. I think that’s because I don’t really understand the red tape involved, though.

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